Housing Options
Independence Association offers a range of housing options appropriate to different interests and needs for support: Residential Group Homes; Community (Independent) Living; and Shared Living; as well as In-Home Supports to help people maintain independence in their own homes.
We respect uniqueness
We respect each resident's uniqueness, encouraging them to attain personal goals, to utilize community resources, and to live the most fulfilling, independent lives possible.
Clients find fulfillment
Programming reflects each individual’s abilities, strengths and desires while meeting the guidelines of medical necessity.
Communities Embrace Us
Maine communities are welcoming and supportive of our residents and our mission. They welcome our clients when they shop, bank, go out to eat, go bowling, use local recreation centers, and more.e…
Residential Group Homes
Residential Services provides clients a safe home with supportive staff who help with daily living needs and much more. Independence Association provides 24/7 home support to individuals in residential group homes throughout Mid-Coast Maine. We support many individuals who are "aging in place" with our agency, enjoying their group home "family" as a decades-long home.
Community (Independent) Living
The Community Living option allows individuals to live in their own homes or apartments. Staff provide supports as needed to enhance daily living skills, health, and safety. Social opportunities are a natural part of the program. We strive to link the people we support with community members and activities to build healthy relationships and achieve the highest level of independence.
Subsidized Apartments
We provide more intensive skill training in two subsidized apartment buildings in downtown Brunswick. For info, please call 207 504-5686 or email us at info@iaofmaine.org.
In Home Support
We provide in-home support skill training in private residences to adults with Intellectual Disabilities who live in their own homes. For info, please call 207 725 4371 or email us at info@iaofmaine.org
Shared Living
Shared Living (SLO Section 21) is a great option for many people. It provides an alternative to a group home for those not able to live independently. The family-like atmosphere offers a greater opportunity for inclusion in the community and to form natural connections.
A Shared Living community member-host opens their home to a person with an Intellectual Disability or Autism. Shared Living Providers are independent contractors who are trained to act as primary care giver to the person sharing their home.
Want to live in a Shared Living home? Want to become a Shared Living provider? Email us at info@iaofmaine.org or call 207 725-4371.
Get basics about Shared Living in Maine.